Carol Roll
Nostalgic Folk Art
We asked Carol:
Where do you live?
Ormond Beach Florida
Can you tell us a little about your family?
Well I’m married 23 years to Dan and have a son, Kipp who is about to graduate from Florida Southern College, oh and have 2 Boston Terriers, Henry and Archie
Do you work outside the home?
No unless you count the garden haha
Do you have an hobbies/what do you like to do when you're not creating?
Yes ! Love yard sales , antiquing and gardening.
Some of Carol's favorite things
What are some of your favorite things?
Geeze too many things I couldn’t pick just one.
Do you collect anything in particular?
My sickness is vintage Florida items and vintage Boston Terrier items but love anything that give me the feeling I’m in a different era.
How did you get your start in your creative business? When?
I started in 2004 after my antique business suffered after we had a four hurricanes in a row. Most people in the area were buying fencing ,roofs and food and not vintage or antique extras. We were out of electricity for several days so to keep my mind off the sweltering heat I started making paper mache figures . I had all these old blocks from my business and thought that they would serve as a perfect base for my creations. That was the start of Nostalgic Folk Art 2004. My neighbor wanted one and as did someone who she knew that had a shop and so on and so one. My mom has a bunch of my first year’s pieces and I die of embarrassment as they look like painted rice cakes glued on blocks. She won’t get rid of them no matter how I plead .
Tell us how you got your business name?
Loving antiques since a child, and wanting my work to have that feel and blend in with antique decor, also really wanted a name that would tell the story of my figures and maybe invoke a sweet old memory, so after some thought came up with Nostalgic Folk Art, as they are folk and folk art. I put them together and viola Nostalgic Folk Art was created.
Is it in the genes......does anyone in your family, now or generations before create?
My dad was artistic.
How do you keep ideas coming?
I don’t know they just come.
Who/what inspires you?
Old books and just talking about art with my friends who are artists as well. It’s really inspiring going to flea markets and antiquing.
Do you have a studio or do you work in different parts of your home?
Yes we turned the 3rd bedroom into my studio
How do you organize your supplies?
Do you like to listen to music while you work, if so what ?
Sometimes, um have a play list but it changes and it’s really a mix of many eras of music. Kipp is always saying, “Listen to this I think you’ll like it” and so that’s where a lot of my music comes from.
Do you have a favorite piece of art that you've created?
Yes depending on my mood or day
What have you learned about marketing
Well I’m not very good at that so can’t really offer anything cept joining TDIPT has been a smart move for sure.
What keeps you motivated?
This is my obsession and will do it until my hands can’t.
Do you sell you work in any shops, or will you be in any upcoming shows?
Yes, they are listed on my site
Has your work been published in any magazines? Have you received any type of awards/recognition for your work?
My work has been in our newspapers, but I was mentioned in Raw Magazine last year which is like an amazing Art Magazine. I mean it was a blip but it was in there. Just a few mentions in local things.Lets see awards, I have a few first place art show ribbons, but this past Feb. I got first in fine craft at the Mount Dora Art Show which I’m extremely proud of cause it’s a huge show.My work will be shown in Atlanta at Slotin Folk Fest this coming Aug.
One of Carol's original pieces...this one is called "Roller Queen"
Do you have any tips you would like to share?
I think the best thing is to mix your colors to make them your own.
Tell us something about yourself that may surprise us?
I’m terrified of blood. I mean I will fall out! Ever since I was a lil girl I get what I call the bends when I see or hear about blood. What an ordeal to get a physical, sometimes I wait years to get blood work and see I’m getting all nervous talking about it and am beginning to ramble which I do when I get that way. Yikes next question!
Carol, thanks so very much for letting us put you in the Spotlight! It's been fun reading all about you!
I love learning interesting facts about favorite artists. Thank you so much for this interview with Carol!
ReplyDeleteYou are a very talented artist and I feel privilaged to own a few of your pieces.
What a smile your art brings to my face.(so whimsical)
Loved reading your interview!
Carol,I so enjoyed reading about you! I loved every single picture!!! I'm a huge fan of your adorable papier~mache dollies!
ReplyDeleteHugs :),
Jinx, loved this ... it's so great to see you in the spotlight, especially when I realize how shy you are!
ReplyDeleteI love your work almost as much as I love your heart!
How sweet to let us see a bit of who you are. I love your creativity and the sweet creatures you make.
ReplyDeleteGotta love those Bostons!
Thank you ladies! and Patty for this spotlight.
ReplyDeleteAnd Marta can you tell which one is the problem?
what a great interview with Jinx!
ReplyDeleteLOVE that garden!!!!!
Carol, what a great interview!! You are as sweet and as talented as can be. If I'm ever down in your parts, I'm coming over for coffee and we can sit in your beautiful garden with Henry and Archie. :> )
Love your spotlight Carol. The pics of your house look so great and your doggies are just so cute. :) You're a fabulous artist with super talent!
ReplyDeleteKaren :O)
Great interview! really enjoyed reading..
Carol your such a doll, love your collections and puppers.Adore your garden.Hugs~~Pam
ReplyDeleteLoved the spotlight on you, Carol !
ReplyDeleteLovely photos of your antique finds that are beautifully displayed and your garden sitting area is so calming and relaxing.. I will be right over for some sweet tea !
Your art is amazing and so creative and unique !
I love Carols work and am sooooo lucky to own about 4 pieces of it!!! Wooo hoooooo!!! But, I will happily take those little Bostons off her hands anytime... :-) Hehehehehe
What a wonderful article about Carol! Carol - you are such a talented artist. Hopefully, if I'm lucky, one day I will own one of your very special pieces. Your Bostons are so cute!
Thank you for the sweet comments!!!
ReplyDeleteYa'll are so wonderful!
Great interview! really enjoyed reading..
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